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Address, phonenumbers and other relevant information

The address of the practice in Eindhoven:

Mirabelweg 24
5632 PC Eindhoven

For directions see the directions page or use Google Maps.


The address of the practice in The Hague

Huisartsenpraktijk R. Suliman
Vaillantlaan 416
2526 HW Den Haag

For directions see Google Maps.


Phone numbers

It is best to call on: Monday - Friday: 12:00-12:30 o'clock

Landline:   +31 (0)40 2135449
If I cannot pick up the phone because I am in consultation please leave your name and number and I will cal you back as soon as possible.


For homeopathic treatment use this email address:

For seminars use this email address:

If you do not receive and answer withing 2 working days then most probbly there is a technical problem. In that case please contact me again.


Monday until Friday 09:00-17:00 o'clock.
In some cases it is possible to make an appointment outside these times.

Other information

NOKH membership: 1122/1090
Zorgverlenersnummer: 9031483
AGB-Code: 90-(0)10412
ING bank account number: 4886717
IBAN (SWIFT): NL36 INGB 0004886717
VAT: NL1563.79.934.B01
CBP meldingnummer: 1285975
KvK-nummer: 17236522 0000

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